Deppmode hemma och råkade kolla på den här video. Ska gå och skjuta mig själv nu :)
sjukt gripande.
"I watch this video and I get the sense of 'oh fuck what have we done'. Killing each other over disagreements. The justification of every wrong decision. Sending monkeys into space. I"m not an animal activist by any means, but I struggle to understand how someone decided it was ok to send a creature to it's certain death for the sake of exploration. It's not noble, or honorable, or brave.
I suppose that's what the director wanted the viewer to feel. The first minute or so showing nurturing scenes then cutting to images of space shuttles and the heavy feeling of impending death. I thought the end was brilliant and powerful. All the death and the fucking chaos is our own. We will pay for the decisions we've made. Sure those animals died but they died simply and beautifully. We're the ones who will die with chaos in our hearts. We're the ones that will kill ourselves lusting for the moon"